A large portion of our pets' poop either ends up in a landfill, where it's always treated in plastic bags, or thrown on the ground until the following tempest washes it into the sewer where it can wind up in streams and on seashores. The primary factors that cause climate change are humans and unsatisfied consumerism. Well, pets have a tremendous surprising impact on their own.
Studies show that almost one billion pets on the planet eat billions of pounds of meat and GMO grains a year, creating a large portion of waste each day. This waste massively affects the well-being and sustainability of our current environment.
So, what should be possible to make our pets more planet-friendly? The following are helpful methods for decreasing your pets' natural "pawprint," and practicing environmental safety, and making them green pets.
Best Ways to Make Your Pets an Eco-friendly Pawtizen
1. Buy Eco-friendly Poop Bags or Litter Box Bags:
The main thing that pets owners should take care of is to manage their waste with advanced eco-friendly products such as buying eco-friendly dog poop bags, i.e., Pawtopia. Pawtopia is a product of a pet-loving and environment-friendly founder living in Seattle, Washington. Before founding Pawtopia, they were typical pet-loving owners searching for high-quality and eco-friendly products for their pets. But, after searching for a long time, pet owners find that most of the companies (including Amazon) mislead their customers by selling 'biodegradable' plastic poop bags with the addition of EPI in the manufacturing process, which breaks these plastic bags into smaller pieces rather than fully biodegrading it. So, Pawtopian products are best to use for eco-friendly pet ownership because they are made up of high-quality material and leave zero waste.
2. Donate Any Unwanted Dog Toys, Blankets to a Rescue:
Donating is a good habit, but it is beneficial for our environment if we include this habit in our pets' routine. Pet owners can contribute considerably to the climate by giving undesirable adornments like their towels, blankets, toys, pet foods, shell pools, feeding bottles, pet carriers, crates, etc.
3. Bring the Container to Pick Up Pets' Treats
Pet owners should use quality containers to pick up the pet's treats. These should be airtight so that the food and other pets' items may remain safe for a good time. Using the containers can help improve the pet's health, resulting in less waste.
4. Using Eco-friendly Products:
About half a million little pets across the world are born each day. Most of them are placed in safe houses or deserted to go wild or kick the bucket. If the pet owners treat these little pets in an eco-friendly way with proper care, they can prove a vital asset to our environment. As many companies like Pawtopia are working for eco-friendly products and making compostable dog poop bags, they can help enhance pet health and fitness. Continuously try to improve the quality of eco-friendly products, which are best for the pets to become pawtizen.